14,613 research outputs found

    Expectation-driven interaction: a model based on Luhmann's contingency approach

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    We introduce an agent-based model of interaction, drawing on the contingency approach from Luhmann's theory of social systems. The agent interactions are defined by the exchange of distinct messages. Message selection is based on the history of the interaction and developed within the confines of the problem of double contingency. We examine interaction strategies in the light of the message-exchange description using analytical and computational methods.Comment: 37 pages, 16 Figures, to appear in Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation

    Evidence for O(2) universality at the finite temperature transition for lattice QCD with 2 flavours of massless staggered quarks

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    We simulate lattice QCD with 2 flavours of massless quarks on lattices of temporal extent N_t=8, to study the finite temperature transition from hadronic matter to a quark-gluon plasma. A modified action which incorporates an irrelevant chiral 4-fermion interaction is used, which allows simulations at zero quark mass. We obtain excellent fits of the chiral condensates to the magnetizations of a 3-dimensional O(2) spin model on lattices small enough to model the finite size effects. This gives predictions for correlation lengths and chiral susceptibilities from the corresponding spin-model quantities. These are in good agreement with our measurements over the relevant range of parameters. Binder cumulants are measured, but the errors are too large to draw definite conclusions. From the properties of the O(2) spin model on the relatively small lattices with which we fit our `data', we can see why earlier attempts to fit staggered lattice data to leading-order infinite-volume scaling functions, as well as finite size scaling studies, failed and led to erroneous conclusions.Comment: 27 pages, Latex with 10 postscript figures. Some of the discussions have been expanded to satisfy a referee. Typographical errors were correcte

    Bubble Shape Oscillations and the Onset of Sonoluminescence

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    An air bubble trapped in water by an oscillating acoustic field undergoes either radial or nonspherical pulsations depending on the strength of the forcing pressure. Two different instability mechanisms (the Rayleigh--Taylor instability and parametric instability) cause deviations from sphericity. Distinguishing these mechanisms allows explanation of many features of recent experiments on sonoluminescence, and suggests methods for finding sonoluminescence in different parameter regimes.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    The Sound of Sonoluminescence

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    We consider an air bubble in water under conditions of single bubble sonoluminescence (SBSL) and evaluate the emitted sound field nonperturbatively for subsonic gas-liquid interface motion. Sound emission being the dominant damping mechanism, we also implement the nonperturbative sound damping in the Rayleigh-Plesset equation for the interface motion. We evaluate numerically the sound pulse emitted during bubble collapse and compare the nonperturbative and perturbative results, showing that the usual perturbative description leads to an overestimate of the maximal surface velocity and maximal sound pressure. The radius vs. time relation for a full SBSL cycle remains deceptively unaffected.Comment: 25 pages; LaTex and 6 attached ps figure files. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    The Logarithmic Triviality of Compact QED Coupled to a Four Fermi Interaction

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    This is the completion of an exploratory study of Compact lattice Quantum Electrodynamics with a weak four-fermi interaction and four species of massless fermions. In this formulation of Quantum Electrodynamics massless fermions can be simulated directly and Finite Size Scaling analyses can be performed at the theory's chiral symmetry breaking critical point. High statistics simulations on lattices ranging from 848^4 to 24424^4 yield the equation of state, critical indices, scaling functions and cumulants. The measurements are well fit with the orthodox hypothesis that the theory is logarithmically trivial and its continuum limit suffers from Landau's zero charge problem.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figues and 10 table

    Monopole Percolation in the Compact Abelian Higgs Model

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    We have studied the monopole-percolation phenomenon in the four dimensional Abelian theory that contains compact U(1) gauge fields coupled to unitary norm Higgs fields. We have determined the location of the percolation transition line in the plane (βg,βH)(\beta_g, \beta_H). This line overlaps the confined-Coulomb and the confined-Higgs phase transition lines, originated by a monopole-condensation mechanism, but continues away from the end-point where this phase transition line stops. In addition, we have determined the critical exponents of the monopole percolation transition away from the phase transition lines. We have performed the finite size scaling in terms of the monopole density instead of the coupling, because the density seems to be the natural parameter when dealing with percolation phenomena.Comment: 13 pages. REVTeX. 16 figs. included using eps

    Exact clesed form of the return probability on the Bethe lattice

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    An exact closed form solution for the return probability of a random walk on the Bethe lattice is given. The long-time asymptotic form confirms a previously known expression. It is however shown that this exact result reduces to the proper expression when the Bethe lattice degenerates on a line, unlike the asymptotic result which is singular. This is shown to be an artefact of the asymptotic expansion. The density of states is also calculated.Comment: 7 pages, RevTex 3.0, 2 figures available upon request from [email protected], to be published in J.Phys.A Let

    Mechanisms for Stable Sonoluminescence

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    A gas bubble trapped in water by an oscillating acoustic field is expected to either shrink or grow on a diffusive timescale, depending on the forcing strength and the bubble size. At high ambient gas concentration this has long been observed in experiments. However, recent sonoluminescence experiments show that in certain circumstances when the ambient gas concentration is low the bubble can be stable for days. This paper presents mechanisms leading to stability which predict parameter dependences in agreement with the sonoluminescence experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures on request (2 as .ps files

    Gauge Theories with Cayley-Klein SO(2;j)SO(2;j) and SO(3;j)SO(3;j) Gauge Groups

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    Gauge theories with the orthogonal Cayley-Klein gauge groups SO(2;j)SO(2;j) and SO(3;j)SO(3;{\bf j}) are regarded. For nilpotent values of the contraction parameters j{\bf j} these groups are isomorphic to the non-semisimple Euclid, Newton, Galilei groups and corresponding matter spaces are fiber spaces with degenerate metrics. It is shown that the contracted gauge field theories describe the same set of fields and particle mass as SO(2),SO(3)SO(2), SO(3) gauge theories, if Lagrangians in the base and in the fibers all are taken into account. Such theories based on non-semisimple contracted group provide more simple field interactions as compared with the initial ones.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure